Improving your heart, strengthening your immune system, boosting positive energy and mood, increasing strength and controlling your weight. Those are just some of the benefits of good physical health. Coupling those benefits with proper nutrition (that is best for YOUR body) and the hope of a physically successful life are yours to enjoy now and for years to come. Having these benefits are almost immediate once you begin exercising and choosing to eat a little healthier. Do not delay that brisk walk tomorrow morning; do not skip the serving of vegetables that take only a few extra minutes to prepare; do not skip your physical routine or stretching after work, school, or a stressful day. Take the stairs instead of the elevator; take the long walk to the entrance. Finding balance in your life has a strong correlation to your physical health. Enjoy the body and mind you were meant to have by prioritizing your fitness and nutrition.
He who lives without discipline dies without honor - Icelandic Proverb.
Studying subjects and learning new ideas increases our intelligence and, depending on the subject matter, enhances our ability to properly tackle all challenges that life presents us with. When learning challenges our preconceived notions and forces us to examine our prejudices, our minds grow in knowledge and wisdom to a greater extent. The ability to gain intelligence and change our lives based on our learning is one of the amazing attributes of being human. Whether we follow a book of recipes that teach us how to prepare healthy food, take courses that introduce us to the nuances of history, read fiction that helps us appreciate the language of life and the experiences that mirror the lives of others, or watching intellectually stimulating programs that raises our awareness and knowledge of the world around us, if we are not attempting to learn something new every so often, we are wasting a powerful gift.
Raise your words, not your voice. It is rain that grows flowers, not thunder - Rumi.
An ancient practice that has been around for thousands of years, and in some circles, is believed to have contributed to our biological evolution: meditation. It is a powerful practice. It is a calming practice. It is your own, unique practice. And it is always available to you. Whether in a building, a park, wandering a store, or in the dark, the acceptance of what life is can come to you following meditation at no cost or fee (paid mindfulness apps notwithstanding, which you do not need to practice). Meditation should be an integral part of your life moving forward. Do not be discouraged if this practice is a struggle in the beginning; have confidence in yourself, and continue moving forward. Do not try to meditate for wisdom or awakening. Practice the process...
Knowing others is wisdom, knowing yourself is enlightenment - Lao Tzu.
Kindness, patience, calmness, peacefulness: these are virtues deserving of your attention and always there to challenge your growth within. To neglect this Pillar is sometimes the largest crack in the peace that individuals hope for. A kind word to a stranger, reassuring compassion to a friend in need, a hug to a family member that is experiencing struggles are all examples of simple things we can do to increase our compassion for others. It can even be as simple as saying genuine thanks for those that serve you or do something to make you feel important. All of these acts increase your contentment, satisfaction and motivation to continue following the path to master the art of living.
I have wept in the night for the shortness of sight. To somebody's needs, I was blind. But I haven't as yet felt a tinge of regret for being a little too kind. - Anonymous.
Improving mental health, revisiting past events that bring a smile, improving creativity, and releasing stress are all benefits of keeping a journal. When you begin a new challenge like following the Five Pillars, tracking the transformation your mind and body make is a great record to keep. Your words through time have a powerful effect when you look back at them or use them to improve in ways that affect you now. Preparing a journal entry and recording the life you are living while following the Five Pillars will keep your focus sharp. Enjoy the release to your mind as your thoughts are transferred to 'paper'.
The ink of a scholar is holier than the blood of a martyr - Islamic saying.
If you are ready to begin your journey on the path to mastering the art of living continue on to the Path page for further instructions.