List of books, FAQs

Studies FAQ


These books are listed in alphabetical order but feel free to start with any on the list and progress to the next book of your choosing. Send an email to if you would like to borrow one of these books. None of these books are required reading, but are listed to get the individual thinking and studying about topics they may not be familiar with or even vehemently disagree with. The purpose is to challenge your mind and maybe even elicit a change in your view of the world.



Frequently asked questions of The Five Pillars.

Q: How do I contact the owner of this web site?

A: Send an email to for a response usually within 24 hours.

Q: Does have a presence on social media sites?

A: There are no plans now or in the future to establish a social media presence.

There is serenity in chaos. Seek ye the eye of the Hurricane - Principia Discordia.


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