Can you master the art of living? What a bold proposition! A New Age philosopher might answer that the attempt is a show of egoic character, a Christian Teacher may say that no one can master anything on their own, and a Zen Buddhist might suggest that the very idea of creating structure to attain mastery is itself a stumbling block. Should we even try? Is it a foolish goal?
The traditional religions will not reach an accord on the process assuming they even expressed a sentiment on the appropriateness of the question. Life is challenge, change, and eventually death. To hide from it or pretend to ignore it only makes the inevitable changes harder to face. Almost all traditions (religious or otherwise) would agree on that. But the art of living can be mastered. And it's not a hubristic effort.
No matter your religious tradition, current belief or worldview, mastering the art of living by following the Path, which the Five Pillars of A Life Of Purpose form the heart of, can be done independent of all prior beliefs or as a supplement to them.
As the creator of this site, I don't claim any originality for the Five Pillars. I'm simply an organizer that saw good, humanistic principles/values promoted from many sources and have followed them for more than a decade. The Path is my own creation to provide some guidance prior to an individual taking full control of the Five Pillars for themselves. These ideas ahead aren't something I simply share to others; I follow them myself and I hope it brings a satisying purpose to your own life and helps you master the art of living.
Brief History
This website has existed under different names for years (as far back as 2013) but the basic meaning and purpose of the site has remained the same. The changes in the past were due to switching hosting providers and selecting new domain names. The goal is to keep this domain name ( for as long as possible without interruption. A Life of Purpose (and the websites that came before it) were created after a quest for knowledge was undertaken to learn from the masters from many traditions all over the world. What resulted was a slight reimagining of what it means to live a good life and a simple approach that is easily navigated or modified for your own purposes. The Pillars that form the heart of this path are topics that you have undoubtedly come across before, but they are organized in such a way to provide a structure and balance as you implement and modify them for your own exploratory odyssey.
If you are ready to get started, review the Five Pillars. Then, begin the Path of the Five Pillars.