Example of a monthly journal entry
Name: Larry Daniels
Location: Denver, CO
Date: Dec 13th, 2020
Pillar One: Physical Health
During the last month I went on a walk around the park near my neighborhood for several days. On a few other days I played catch with my son in the street. I did several walking exercises, pushups and situps on weekends. I played with my children at the park. I also did a short hike near my apartment.
Pillar Two: Mental Growth
I finished a couple books this past month, but one in particular that stood out to me was about the struggles of the middle class in the 2010s after the housing crisis in America. This comprised all my Pillar 2 studies for the month.
Pillar Three: Emotional Strength
On Sundays and Mondays I was able to meditate in lotus pose for 12 mins each time. Those are the only days out of the month I was able to complete Pillar 3.
Pillar Four: A Compassionate Heart
This whole month I have been engaged in a job that is quite challenging and I realize my family is counting on me for the financial support which puts a lot of the difficulties into perspective. This is a big sacrifice for me to work so many hours away from home but I have a great responsibility to these people that count on me and so I kept in mind this week why I am working and who I am doing this for.
Pillar Five: Writing Your Story
The last week of the month was eye opening as I have been reading about the previous housing crisis and how it has been affecting so many areas of the middle class and how banks work with income and debt for individuals. But on a lighter note, I was pleased with the challenge of trying to count my breaths while trying to maintain focused attention even in a busy grocery store environment. [You can keep going on with whatever you would like to say related or unrelated to the Five Pillars. This is a mental exercise and relief to put your thoughts to a medium that can be remembered and archived for a long time.]
The above example gives you a good idea on the format of a journal entry and should get the creative mind engaged on what you want to share on your new path. You can modify the format if you would like, too. Please email founder@alifeofpurpose.org if you have any questions.